Tips for Great Senior Portraits
Getting ready for your session doesn’t have to be stressful. Thanks to Digital Photography – it won’t be as hard as you think! Our relaxed setting and calm personal manner will help you to look and feel your best.
Instant previewing: We will take short breaks during your session to view the progress of your portraits. Viewing the photos along the way helps build your confidence and you can make adjustments to your hair and clothing when it matters most.
Photoshop: We take full advantage of the digital tools available to smooth skin tones, perfect color and reduce image imperfections and distractions.
Clothing: Bring what you like, and some extra outfits for more options.
Trust your common sense – you should be comfortable; bring along the styles and colors that you really like. Each individual has a different style and taste in clothing, and wearing current styles can be a big part of the fun.
General considerations: Bring at least one shirt/top that is long sleeve – this will provide many more posing options and a greater variety especially for indoor studio portraits. Short sleeves and lighter colors tend to look best outdoors. Our goal is to provide a balance of casual/fun/relaxed and traditional styles, to please both students and parents, and don’t forget about grandparents . . .
Suggestions for the girls. . . an excuse to go shopping
Solids and layered tops are your safest choices – and at least one long sleeve top.
Jeans and solid tops – any color, any style, any fabric.
Shorts and cool summer tops, any style, any color.
Skirts/capri’s and cool summer tops, any style, any color.
Bring a mix of light colors and dark colors.
Try something different like a hat, scarf, or jacket . . .
Guys. . . they might need to go shopping too. . .
I am assuming that most guys will not read this, so I am talking directly to mom here. Easy and casual to get them in our door – and help them relax. Jeans and a long sleeve solid shirt is the safest choice for casual.
Long sleeve dress shirts often look wrinkled and sloppy in a casual pose. They are great with a tie, but always limit our casual posing options.
Loose knit fabric t-shirts, polos, and even hoodies will give good results.
Casual “button-down” shirts are good – even with larger stripes and patterns! Layered over a t-shirt is even better.
T-Shirts – most guys want something super easy and “normal”, so I have a few options to make T- work; however, we will spend most of our time and effort with the previous clothing options. Stay away from logos!
Hair: Stay with your regular style, YOUR regular cut, and YOUR regular color.
It’s tempting to get creative here, but consider that hair issues are easily the most critical factor when choosing or rejecting a photo.
Long Hair Styles – as long as we can see your eyes . . .
Short Hair Styles – guys- watch out for the early summer super-short cut, and apply hair products (if any) when you get to the studio
We have air conditioning (in studio)!
We will use a variety of lighting and angles to make your hair look great!
We always give you extra time and attention to make sure you are satisfied with your look!
Makeup: Your everyday look is best: It’s not like the old film days when makeup was our only tool to cover up blemishes, and skin imperfections. Your finished (ordered) portraits will be digitally retouched and enhanced to give you a naturally flawless appearance.
Bring along some finishing touches such as lip-gloss to your session.
Recently more girls arrive to their session without any makeup. We agree this promotes healthy skin and is not necessary on a daily basis. However it is better to apply at least a light application on your portrait day.
Manicure is nice to be able to include some hand posing options in your session.
Tanning: Easy does it!
A little bit of sun tanning is a benefit to your skin tone; however, there is no need to be really, really tan. That said- red sun burned cheeks can be retouched and tan lines can be erased- often at no extra charge, but go easy on us; we charge extra for extreme enhancements. See our retouching policy page
Avoid tanning – (especially artificial) 2-3 days prior to your session.
Pale skins tones can be adjusted to show more color.