Why Print?
If a person's house catches fire, or flood waters threaten your home, what are the things people will risk their lives to save? Aside from the obvious, people and pets, the most coveted items to be saved from a burning home are family portraits and albums.
Family photo albums and family portraits on the wall are some of the most important objects to us, unfortunately many of us take that for granted.
We often don't realize the importance of family photographs until it's too late. A lot of us go looking for family portraits when we lose someone close to us and its only natural, we will look to our family photographs to help us remember. These images are the ones that will put smiles on our faces and help us cope with the change of a person no longer here.
Going through these photos and memories can be both upsetting and comforting. Upsetting because sometimes we can't find enough, if any, good photos. Especially these days with mobile phone cameras more often than not, they are quick snapshots, often blurred, busy backgrounds, or not great quality.
Why the personal message? We, at Cindy Bowman Photography, want our clients to stop and think about the importance of family portraits and family history...how we can share memories from one generation to the next.
When we see our family portraits, we well up with pride and want to show people. We travel back in time and can see and feel details long forgotten. We are reminded of what matters and how time moves too quickly, and to treasure the moments we have today.
Photos, like memories and stories, are part of our legacy. We hold them close, we pass them down. It's a gift to be able to share a visual of moments, details, people, places, and things we love, so that they, can feel a glimmer of joy when we reflect on those times.
Family photos connect us to those who came before us. By letting your children see your photos from the past and the present, they become connected to their own story. They know family members and ancestors who came before them and helped shape the world and the person they see today.
As time moves on, it's the memories of loved ones we will cherish documenting the most. Family photos can manifest emotions that words cannot.
I urge you, print your family photos and hang them in your home. Hire a professional photographer to document your memories on a regular basis as your children grow and change. Include your extended family too...after all, it's a great excuse to get the family together.
Photographer Bryan Capricci sums the sentiment up beautifully in this short video. - Photography is best enjoyed in print: